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The Chainbreaker Method

  • 9 Steps
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The Chainbreaker Method is an innovative program that uses the most up-to-date, cutting-edge scientific knowledge we now know regarding the mind and subconscious to make lasting impactful changes in people's mind. Disclaimer: I am not a doctor so I cannot diagnose or treat anxiety or depression, however people who have used this program say it can help people overcome all forms of trauma, anxiety, depression, fear, unwanted habits and self-limiting beliefs in significantly less time than most other therapies. When using hypnotherapy, I am not treating you. You are treating yourself.It can be used for one or several disorders at once - Throughout the program the therapist will use the word "dis-order". Whenever you hear the word disorder mentioned, you would simply substitute it with the name of the specific disorder which you would like to be treated for. Since the word disorder can cover so many different topics, many times as a result of treatment Some will experience substantial changes in how they feel after just a week, but this program is designed to be 6 weeks for it to become permanently re-wired into your subconscious. I have combined the science of NLP, Hypnotherapy, Quantum Physics, Subliminals, Alpha brain wave frequencies, and Silva Methodology in creating this highly effective program. You were not meant to live a miserable life. Break those chains that are binding you and preventing you from having the life you want to live.

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The Chainbreaker Method

The Chainbreaker Method

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